Reasons I love Scott
I can't even go into all the reasons (some are illegal in 48 states).
But one is the jons button on his site. It makes me happys.
Two is his stunning wit. Witness this conversation between us this morning:
Jonathan says:
i kinda want to go back to school.. I want to teach
mawd says:
oh god!!!! you teaching
Jonathan says:
I want to corrupt the minds of our young
Jonathan says:
mawd says:
you think you can get through a day with out furry creeping in???
mawd says:
that was great
Jonathan says:
hahahahhh well as long as i started off my day with it..
mawd says:
hey, i got it
mawd says:
why not become a school mascot???
Jonathan says:
He is a genius. Perhaps even a savant. He rocks socks so go visit his site alot! He also sends me crazy ebay auctions all the time like this one
So ya want some links too? Well here is one of the most disturbing news articles I have read in a long time. And here Is a great article by Dave Barry (yes THE Dave Barry) on the playstation two. And here is a little carlin goodness to set your day off right. I'm not sure exactly why you would want to do this. But the hawii five oh theme playing in the background REALLY drives the point home.
And to finish it all off nicely with this little cherry to go on top... Your CHRISTMAS LINK OF THE DAY OR WEEK OR UNTIL I POST ANOTHER
Posted by Jon at 4:45 PM 0 comments
God I hate formats.
I hate anything changing.
I want everything to stay the same until it is planned out that it should change. And then the plan for it to change has to go off without a hitch.
I hate plans not working out. I love when a plan comes together.
I fucking HATE formats.
I allways feel like I am forgetting to back something up. I allways do forget.
God damn it I fucking LOATH formats
I have to format at home soon. They are formatting my baby at work.
Oh well I got my shit backed up. I think.
All my important work notes and shit at least.
I hate formats.
Posted by Jon at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Internet, you make me want to walk like a camel
I love the internet. Where else could I find shit like this? I am so serious that I stumble across all of this stuff I find. I have about 30 sites that I go to daily and then from there I follow links and if that site doesn't have anything good then I find a link off there to some other site and follow until I find something crazy.
Sometimes I hit paydirt right off the bat. Like today. One of my first destionations is I usually just check out the last three days worth of links. And then right away this. BAM my day starts with furry.
I didn't go anywhere looking for it. It just finds me. I swear. I cannot get the furry out of my life. Its scarey folks. I don't post all the furry links because I like them. I post it hopeing that the furry-demons get out of my head.
And shit like this. I don't go looking for it. It just finds me. I am a weird magnet. My life is made so weird weird weird weird(scroll down on that one folks.) by the fucking internet. I am afraid to wake up some days. Becuase I know after about two clicks of my mouse some page will find me and is going to effect my entire day.
I think maybe I am cursed. I'm not gay. I'm not into furries. I am a straight 20 year old male with a wonderful relationship with a terribly hot female that isn't into scat or dressing up like a fucking chicken or anything weird. I'm so fucking vanilla its sad. But then I get on a computer and weird surrounds me. I get to work and spout out urls like "go here guys" or "check this out scott"
Ok maybe sometimes I go looking for it a little. I just wanted you all to know that if you go to google and seach for goatse this page is the second fucking hit!!
Well Thats it for right now. I am going to sign off and head to worky work. Maybe make a post there. We will see. But enjoy those links for now and know that I have a folder on my desktop right now with about 408 more urls in it to post and its growing every fucking time I sit at a computer.
Posted by Jon at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Come on and dig me. Cause I'm the fly pigmy
I have some ideas for orginal content that I am going to be working on over the next couple days. I don't know. Its gonna come second to posting though.
So i'm tired right now. Long post first thing in the morning. I swear!
Posted by Jon at 1:20 AM 0 comments
we have the technology? god no! the technology has US!
I'm odd today. The whole world is off its rocker. I didn't get to post last night like I wanted to because blogger crashed and lost my post and that made me have to go play icewind dale. I'm really sorry for the lack of posting lately. Its been a busy week. I assure you that posting will resume to above par next week (after my training is done). But when I don't get to post alot I get TONS of urls built up. So this will be mostly a hemmorage post. But bear in mind these first couple featured links:
The thin H line is the most fucked up comic. EVER. Its.. Odd.. Go read it alot.
This movie is so fucking funny. Its pretty big though.
Go check out these violent midgets!
Check out the 10 worst video games ever. How many have you played?
So for now I will just toss some up fresh links for you all to feast on. Jonsnews just want to say word up to my good friend hootie who is out of commission right now with a dead power fan.
Go to all the links. I wouldn't drag and drop a URL that wasn't shit.
Peace easy.
Oh yeah I am also working on some really cool stuff for the site too. So keep a eye on that too.
Posted by Jon at 1:35 PM 0 comments
I just want to shout out to my good friend
HOOTIE. You should all go to hooties website. Hootie is gonna hate me more then he allready does. HEHE
Posted by Jon at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Yeah straight from the top of my dome. As I rock rock rock a microphone
HAHAHAHHAHA someone found my site thru altavista by searching for THIS!!!
I got alot of weird links for you guys today. Sorry about the lack of posts yesterday. The frontend webpage that I use to post was down.. Anyways.
I love how in our society we are completely sue-crazy I mean sure some deserve it. But sometimes its insane. Speaking of insane, since I am in a pretty whacky mood I think I am going to post the absolute wackyiest links that I have been saving up.
First of all we have dog diapers. Let me repeate that DOG FUCKING DIAPERS! Go there. Watch the video.
AHHHH this guy is scarier then Sweettooth on those twister metal commercials. This guy IS the reason for sites like this.
Uhhhhh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhttt.
Oh god I think I just bought and uhhh oh god. I don't even know.
This guy needs a hobby. I mean really really needs a fucking hobby. Why do people allways have to ruin my childhood things??
I guess these guys were the epitomy of weird. So fucked up. I remember when this happened and how surreal it all seems looking back at it now..
This was a little more interesting then it was weird. But still weird.
Personally I think this sounds better then popcorn to go along with a nice movie in the theater. Allmost as fucking nuts as the packaged pickels they sell here at the movies. PACKED WITH JUICE!!!
Man I hope Joelseph is enjoying his cable modem. While I'm thinking of joel here is a site for him.
Riiiiiiiight.. Stoner chicks. Yeah they are hot. Hot like a fucking furry (Honestly folks I sooooooo don't have a furry thing. I promise). Oh yeah and this is the guy that made all those crazy Jetson porn cartoons and stuff. Hes odd.
OH JOY! 70s porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a nice little pyramid scheme that will make you all happy.
You think alot of people find this site on search engines?
Well thats it for now. I will try to squeeze off another post before I leave for my girls after work. I will try to keep up the posts even with the holidays
Posted by Jon at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Woah. A sunday post.
Right. Sometimes I find myself just staring at the screen in wonderment at the sheer..... I don't even know how to explain it. It's sites like this. Why?
It all makes my head hurt. I guess its just furryism taken too far. Honestly it is one of the weirdest sites I have ever seen. Ever. And this site still has me shaking my head. ARGHHH I can't comprehend what would make someone make this site. The head is a definate click on this one. SWEETBREADS!! MOO! So is mankind doomed or what? I mean with people like these running around out on the streets. The world is full of the weird people. Its all good though. Because then you have the flip side of the coin. You have the terminally cool people. The people that kick so much ass that you get bruises 4 miles away.
Well this is the list that makes me and many other people decide what they want for christmas. I wait for this list every year!! I WANT! And speaking of my christmas list. Here it is for this year. All the overly expensive stuff that I want in the world!
Posted by Jon at 2:08 PM 0 comments
New shiney toy
On the link bar to the right left is a link under the site navigation that says "submit a link" go click on it and submit your cool links for everyone to see. Also please please please post stuff in the message board too.
Posted by Jon at 4:31 PM 0 comments
I'm sick *BLARGH*
Blech. I ate a habenaro (sp?) pepper today and the heat wasn't too bad (they are the hottest pepper in the world) but soon afterwards my stomach decided that Belly and Mr.Pepper didn't like each other. So Belly kicked Mr. Pepper's ass right out the door that he came in, along with his friends Professor Sammich, Mrs Orangjuice, and Senor Burrito. Not too long after that Belly and Dr. Pooper got talking and Belly got Dr. Pooper all riled up and Dr. Pooper kicked the Feces twins (who had been visiting Belly not long before) right out the back door.
So no update tonight. Belly and I are going to bed now, hes angry and not talking to me. Belly needs his rest...
Oh yeah I noticed alot of people are getting here from searching altavista for Mr. Winkles. Well you won't find him but you will find plenty of other good stuff. But you WILL find me repeating the word WINKLE 23 times right now. WINKLEWINKLEWINKLEWINKLEWINKLEWINKLEWINKLEWINKLE WINKLE WINKLE
Ok Thats enough. WOah I'm tired and sick. I should also mention that something is broken with the archives. Don't go to them. I will work on fixing them soon.
night night. Belly says "goodnight internet"
Posted by Jon at 12:20 AM 0 comments
I'm thinking of adding a expanded links page to the site. I dunno. I updated the poll thingy. like 15 people voted allready. That put a big grin on my face. Now if I could only get all of you to make some noise in the message board my life would be allmost complete. I updated it and made some changed. I think I also fixed it so that you don't even have to be registered to use it. So go write alot of stuff in there. Rock!
And man its sooooooo snowing here. I fucking love winter. I am so happy its snowing. Snow just means more having to stay inside and snuggling with my girl to stay warm. Darn!
I just saw this on usr/bin/girl and figured I would post it because its all 50% off and I fucking love sales.
I am really really amazed that a subliminal message tape can make my wang bigger. But I guess I would try anything. And I guess if I was going to get any kind of enlargment process done I would definatly BARGIN SHOP. Why pay more for enormous ta-tas when you can get a below market negotiated price on your boobjob. I have a strong feeling that most of the doctors are much like that doctor on the simpsons. I hate some people.
Here is a site if you ever wanted to know about your favorite heavy metal singers size of his junk.
Erotic stories are pretty cool. Here are two sites for them. Here is one that is a bit odd.
And here are two sites that I found interesting.
Lets see what else I have here in my sex urls folder. Oh a couple funnyish sites for you. The cyrano server will hook you up if you are too shy to write a nice lovely letter yourself. I guess if you are a bigtime do it yourselfer then this is for you. Seems like quite a big project to me though.
Are you looking to go cruising? Don't want to do it alone? Don't have any friends to ask? Then this site is for you!
This is probably one of the weirdest fetishes I have ever seen, well second to this. Ok maybe its not the WEIRDEST, but its close.. Weird weird weird. And here is a site to get you allready for your next trip to Thailand. Now I would soooo buy into this crazy ass ISP.. This is worse then Pokemon sex, because at least pokemon is cool. Blech of the day folks. Definate blech of the day.
Well its allmost work time. I think I am going to do alot of my christmas shopping online this year. I plan on sending alot of christmas cards online too now.
Posted by Jon at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Shiney things
Shiney things are my favorite things. I could just play with a ball of tinfoil for like hours on end. I love love love shiney things. I love the interweb because of the sheer volume of shiney shit that is all over it. Take of example some of the cool ass games I have found. Exploding sheep is really fun once you figure out that the instructions that they give you don't work. The reflex tester is way addictive. If you beat my score let me know! And here is another game called reflex that is super fucking shiney! And here are a couple cool java games over here too. Scott my good buddy has some good javagames over on his site too. But don't go there until he gets fucking moon lander. I WANT MOONLANDER SCOTT!!!
Oh god. This is a online photoshop for the shineyly challanged. With music too. Hours of fun!
And then check out this kinda cool avatar chat thing. Pretty cool considering it is all flash. And sissyfight is pretty fun as well.
OOOOOOooo A lite bright online. I made a Jonsnews logo with it. So its pretty cool and stuff.
And these pickup lines are the shit! So are anagrams.
A couple last cool things are the movie cliche page.
I love illusions. A good optical illusion makes me giggly.
Everyone knows the stories. Go read some urban legends.
Bottle mail is pretty cool. It takes the old concept of tossing a note in a bottle into the sea into the information age.
I don't have to go into work until 3 tommorow so more post tommorow.
*updated at 0200 by Jon*
My buddy Scott issued me a challange on his site with the reflex tester. I came thru in true style.
Posted by Jon at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Site stuff and posty stuff and stuff
Site stuff first. Cory made a new banner and it fucking kicks the most ass. Its updated on all the skins. I also switched the banner over to vectorstar instead of my old geocities space because I noticed it lagged a little on the load sometimes. The awesome guys at vectorstar swapped drives the other day too so that crazy stop during the load seems to be gone now too. I just noticed the archives link on the left was broken too. So thats fixed. As far as I can tell everything is working perfect. Make sure to email me if you see anything broken.
Now the big news for today FUCKING SODAPLAY WAY UPDATED THEIR SHIT!!!!!
Sweet god now you can save your models and you can also email them to people. There are alot of cool models allready saved check out these:
The yoyo - fucking stunning.
Trampoline - simple but cool.
Internal engine - wow. shiney!
Snowmanguy - CUTE!!!!!!!!!
More to come when I get to work.
Posted by Jon at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Well HELLO All !
This is soooo odd that I am making a post. I have normally been just a behind the scenes guy here at JonsNews. You know doing all the shit work like helping Jon with HTML, and hex-codes and keeping the FBI, CIA, DEA and various other govermental agencies off of Jons back so he can keep rattling out these crazy posts.
The reason I am posting is simply this, I work with both Jon and Scott and would just like to let everyone know that while Jon was away on his day off, someone (who shall remain nameless) printed out a full size, full color picture that Scott made of Jon and hung it up in the office. Everyone had a good laugh. So once again, for the sake of humanity, everyone run on over to Scott's site and check out this picture.
Well kiddies, I am off to Florida to settle this whole Election thing.
Signing off for now, but not forever -
Posted by Cory at 2:20 AM 0 comments
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig post
Scott. I totally understand about putting the picture up of me on YOUR SITE. All is fair. I got a really good laugh out of it and a good time was had by all. Scott rocks!
Ok well I plan on catching up and emptying out my entire URL folder so buckle down for a big one ladies and gents.
As much as I hate goths this site rocks. Because amihotornot sucks more then goths. This is the ultimate suck-i-tude.
I have a couple cool cartoon sites for you guys. ThinHline is fucked up. I mean seriously fucked. Pokey the penguin is once again up. Now my life can return to normal! I so love pokey. Read them all! Inktank is a seriously good geeky comic. So is sinfest it deserves a look too. This is a comic. Thats all I can say about it really. Here are some pretty cool poser comics. Poser is cool. My best friend cory used to make alot of really cool poser and bryce pictures. I love redmeat. Check out the make your own redmeat site. This kind of appeals to me. I love x-men.. but this is a little blasphemous.
ZUG proudly claims that they are the webs only comedy site. They have some really great and original content. I love reading zug. Go read zug. And say the word zug alot too because its fun.
Cory and I spent a fucking hour at this page the other night screaming out names of all the GI Joe shit we used to have. Very cool site. I used to have all these cards too. They were so fucking cool
This doesn't relate to anything. But I have had popeyes chicken before and it is godlike. Very spicey
Don't click here.
Woah! This site is pretty shiney.
Cory sent me this site quite some time ago. I love mythlogy. It makes me happy. Here is another cory link that I couldn't find a place it really fit it. But it kicks ass so its going in now.
Neuromancer is definatly one of my top 5 favorite books ever. Go here to read it for free if you are too cheap to pay the like $1.25 for it on
If you are on broandband then this site is for you. GO GO GO
These guys are crazy! It looks like such a fucking fun wrestling promotion to go see.
Anyone can make good art. Really good bad art is hard to come by though!
Sweet god there are still so many sites to go thru! ack! Back to work self *snaps whip*
I posted the number for the duck voicemail. I had no idea they fucking spent this much money on it. Oh god. I call it over and over and over now that I know this.
Stuck in your life? Don't know what to do? Ask a ninja!
I'm sorry I have to break the news. But.
And since I have sucked at it I figure I owe you all a couple BLECHS OF THE DAYS PAST! BLECH!
Well thats it for now. Go have a party! Go read about some nice firm wet boobies
Posted by Jon at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Engrish for you
Oh god I got reminded this morning how much I like engrish.
Stuff like this:
Go here for some really really really great funny stuff.
Posted by Jon at 11:01 AM 0 comments
*note I posted this last night and it was really funny but stuff crashed so now I am posting it again and its less funny*
Oh god. Scott is so going to kill me, but the irony of this all can't escape, I just feel that I have to share with you all. Scott posted the other day on his site about how he is becoming a Red-neck. Then last night I find this page And for the love of god don't go to this link. I just want to say HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god Scott you are so going to kill me!! But man Scott. I tell you what. If you did this to your truck you would so not be a red-neck anymore. (hopefully that last link and linking to his page a bunch of times will make up for the insinuation that I made with the first link.) Though this could potential make you more redneck. Keep a eye on his page to see whats up. Scotts site makes me happy.
Posted by Jon at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Bad news.
I have two pieces of very bad news for all of you. Please read this and this. Do it for little Timmy
Posted by Jon at 7:01 PM 0 comments
I just wanted to say "I'm sorry"
Ok everywhere that I go I hear it. At least once a day someone asks me. And I have been living a lie. I should have told all of my friends and family sooner. Its very hard for me to admit to this. Ok... here it goes. I let the dogs out.
I am trying to get them all back. I promise.
I'm sorry for letting the dogs out. Just please stop asking everyone about it now that we all know it was me.
Posted by Jon at 2:29 AM 0 comments
Hey there hi there ho there
I'm working on rewriting that huge post so to tide you over I am gonna get some links up homey!
Since there is no such thing as enough good ideas here is a site to get some fresh ideas. Here is another. And here you can find out strange uses for normal household items.
Sweet god there are alot of people in the US. Its cool because you can refresh it and see the number raise.
Your Pokéname is Humnerd. You live in the blazing deserts of Libya, and your diet consists mostly of wolves, garbage and wine. I can breathe fire. I can throw nunchucks. I can shoot lightning. My natural enemy is Squirtle. You can go here to find out your pokéname!
Last night I had to clean the crap out of a keyboard here at work (thanks Scott!). And I remembered how much I really used to enjoy taking things apart and finding out how things worked. is pretty tight. I have alot of respect for a good DJ.
I wish I had known about this site a few years ago when I used to be a very very very very bad kid.
Sometimes you just have had enough and need to tell your boss how it is. Terry Funk can help.
Wow a crazy that has some good ideas!
I have been reading this site for awhile and it is definatly going up as a link on the left.
Cory sends me alot of links. He sent me this site quite some time ago and its got alot of good stuff on it. BUT its in spanish. But click random links till you get to the videos.
I want one of these plaques for my desk at home.
Posted by Jon at 4:44 PM 0 comments
If you are running windows and want to have the fucking shineyest thing in the fucking world on your computer get MSN explorer!!!!!!! Hold swee fucking baby jesus its shiney and neat and awesome and oh god..
Posted by Jon at 1:53 AM 0 comments
Still no president eh?
I would rather this guy be president then either of the two canidates. I warped the canidates to the point that I would actually vote for them if they looked like the did when I got done with them. God this whole election has been a huge fucking boner. On a related note I think "howdy" is going to be my informal greeting from now on.
I must say. Since day one I have disliked Mahir. He is redesigning his page. Dear god it makes me want to rerout my urethra thru my nose. I honestly feel in my soul that Mahir had a hand in this page. I nominate that page for the "most likely to make you want to pierce your brain with a fountain pen" catagory
WOOOHOOO its a fucking party. Why in sweet fucks name does the cat speak ghetto? But it can't be a party if your lonely can it? Sites like these make me pray for armageddon. And hey. Lets see if we can start working towards getting fucking midis and shitty java off the internet eh?
There are some things I want to mess around with for my site.. I want to add more static links to the left.. I dunno.
This is so seriously shitty when compared to the greatness that is explodingdog.
For quite some time I have been saying that I need more ways to be mean and abusive. Finally I have found the answer. I guess I COULD learn something useful as far as languages go. NAHHHHH
Since I fucking REMEMBER THE 80's (fuck you guys) I figured I would have to post this. And this!
I'm going to install the MSN explorer now. Hopefully it will all go well!
Posted by Jon at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Red alert 2
Ye gods. I just beat the GDI disk in RA2 and it is such a fucking AWESOME game!!!!!!!!
I am going to play the Commies now. And then I will post from werk cause I am doing customer service tonight which is slower then shit
Posted by Jon at 11:34 AM 0 comments
HAHAHAHAHHA oh god I allways wondered why I was such a commie.
Posted by Jon at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Getting all up in your area.
Uhhh the title really has no relation to the rest of the post. Or it might. I don't know. Let me know if you feel that I am getting up in you area. If I am I am terribly sorry about it.
Ok. I usually don't post jokes here, but this one is extremely disturbing and funny to make it better for those of you that don't want me to post jokes I'll throw some links in there too.
A nun gets into a cab and the cab driver won't stop staring at
her. She asks him why is he staring and he replies, "I have a question to
ask you but I don't want to offend you."
She answers, "My dear son, you cannot offend me. When you're as
old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance and
see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could
say or ask that I would find offensive"
"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun perform oral sex on me."
She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that:
1) you have to be single and
2) you must be Catholic."
The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I am single and I'm Catholic too!"
The nun says, "O.K., pull into the next alley."
He does and the nun fulfills his fantasy. But when they get back on the
road, the cab driver starts crying his eyes out. "My dear child, why are you crying?"
"Forgive me sister, but I have sinned. I lied, I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."
The nun says, "That's OK, my name is Kevin and I'm on my way to a Halloween Party."
Man that joke was tasteless.
And since I don't post any "news" here is a tidbit from the political front:
The two major party presidential candidates today agreed that Americans
are seeing too much inapproriate material in popular entertainment.
However, they disagreed on the details.
The Republican candidate, George W. Bush, stated that there is too
much bloody violence in the movies and on television. Vice President Al
Gore, his Democratic opponent, stated meanwhile that the media present
Americans with too much sex and frontal nudity.
In other words, Bush says there is too much gore and Gore says there
is too much bush.
(That is made up by the way)
I think i finally decided how I am going to vote (If it wasn't too late).
Lets see. I have alot of great links. Way to many to get everything posted. Lets see. Where to start.
How about the weird links? I've allways been a huge conspiracy fan. I love reading crazy shit about the illumanati and shit. And UFOs rock! Crop circles and cow mutilations are my shit. But some people are retards. If you want interesting reading to do some research on Bob Lazar. There are tons of good places to get information on all this shit. And crazy science is cool too, thought like I have mentioned alot stupid people allways bungle it up. My friend Scott puts it better "never underestimate the power of large groups of stupid people"
If you work, or you are reading this at work then you will apperciate this page.
Well thats it for now. More to come.
Posted by Jon at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Major Tom to ground control
You know. The guys at work made a astute observation tonight at work.. This site is jonsnews. But I never really post "NEWS". Should I have called it jonslinks?
Hey. This is one of my favorite sites ever. I love his drawings.
God I used to love getting my ASS catalogs in the mail. I need to sign up for more again. I allways wanted to be a mad scientist when I was a little tyke.
Yeah. This was the biggest shock of my day. Honestly.
I want this shirt for christmas!!!!!
Fire good! Fire spewing robots better!
A reason or two to like the imac just a eeny teeny bit more!
Jesus. Did I miss something? When did it become fashionable to be a geek? These guys are cool ass geeks though.
Oh god so many buttons it MUST make playing first person shooters better! It has to! And if your not a gamer, but you know one then knowing their language is a good thing.
God I loved the nintendo. I still do. 8-bit is where its at baby.
This game is so great. I love that every review of it has "BUY THIS GAME" as the first sentance.
Guile was the best character in Street fighter. Well second only to Chun-li
I REALLY REALLY REALLY wished I had pre-ordered a couple of ps2s. Like three or so...
Man this game is really hard but pretty fun.. Its mega addictive!
Well I am tired. Now that I got the page looking like I wanted I can focus on content again. Please tell everyone you know that you think would like the page. I am still looking for someone who can post along with me on the site to. If you are interested then let me know.
Posted by Jon at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Oh god this is pretty sweet. The switchover to skinablity is done. I am cranking out a few skins to choose from. Scott, you may be interested in the simple one because you can never seem to be able to fully read all the links when i do a few layout.
To select a skin just choose one from the list over to the right. I am looking into using cookies or something to make it so that it remembers what skin you allready picked.
I'm no design expert so if you think they suck email me on how to make them better, or ideas for new skins. I am going to experiment with changing the actual layout with skins when I get home.
Posted by Jon at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Its monday morning. I allmost have all the skin stuff done. If i can wrap it all up before work then posting will resume to normal..
God this is cool.
Posted by Jon at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Good morning
Wow. I am getting all the skin stuff done rather rapidly and I have some really cool ideas for it.
Taco the wonder dog has the best page ever!
The whole voting thing is coming up soon. Why bother? The electoral college is going to make your decision for you. I guess maybe its nice to at least think for a second that you have even the slightest fucking say about things in your life. You don't. What happens happens. Just grin and bear it and say"yes sir your a good president", "Yes sir I love my job", "Yes sir I think its terrific if you run over my foot".
Both canidates suck and there is no hope of Nader getting shit.
Bush sucks. He is a idiot. He cannot talk. He has nothing good to say. He's his dads puppet. He wouldn't be the first talking monkey elected.
Gore sucks. Liberman is a asshole. Hes a idiot as well. I disagree with everything he says. Gores a fucking choad.
If you are going to vote for one of the two main parties here is a good way to choose.
Vote independent. For towards helping to make a change in the system. Even better learn how to effectivly trade your vote.
Why not just vote for pure evil. Its what we are going to get anyways.
Posted by Jon at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Wow. Last night I got caught up doing some really exciting things for the page. I just have one word for you all "SKINABLE"
awwwwwwwwwwww yeah
Its going to be soooooooooo cool. I should have everything implemented by the middle of next week.
I also fixed the windows popping up in a new window thing. I'll post a real content poste in a bit.. Peace.
Posted by Jon at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Hello again from the depths of eternity. It has been one long ass time since I put anything up here and I figured the least I could do is place some delicious links here. Ready?
Whee! I have been very sick of late and I although I am not vomiting and feverish any more I am still sore all over and I'm not feeling up to working yet so I just got the ok to go back in on Monday Night which seems like the perfect amount of days to recuperate. Ahhh some more nights of rest and days of preparing for the nocturnal existance that will get me through the winter and probably wind me up with enough money to go on a trip in the spring! Coming soon to a town near you: B Bnib! maybe. For now I am wondering what I should eat. I think I caught this flu from a girl I met at a halloween party. Oh the price we pay for a bit of fun sometimes. Although if I had had my wits about me as much as I should've I would have been sure to get her phone number from her! d'oh! Our paths have crossed more than once before. Maybe I'll see her again this can only hope.
Posted by Anonymous at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Happy friday!
Well everything seems to be working wonderful with the new server..
So now it is time to get back on task with the posting and quite my fucking slacking. I do have a couple projects I will be poking at the next couple weeks. I now have CGI access so a new message board is to be coming and some pretty nifty shit with the site. So keep tuning in..
Even though its getting to be fall its the perfect time to throw a nice little block party. I know I am planning to. And whats a block party with out whacky people like these??
Man. Some people buy some weird stuff. Adn who in their right mind are searching for some of this crap?
Well I think its been awhile so this part of my post is going to be a quick hemmorage chunk so that you all will have some good links to go to tommorow and I can get to bed because its a bit late. So this is quite a bit of words and each one of these is a seperate link so click them all. There is crap and good all mixed together. You never know what you will get at crazy jon's discount mega quickies. Oh yeah every single letter in the last four words are links.
Posted by Jon at 1:42 AM 0 comments
Site stuff
I made a new poll on the left and I am going to be working on redesigning the message board and stuff.
I was looking thru the server tracking stuff and look at what it says for my machine.. Its funny
date/time - - - - - - - - - - - - - -host name - - - - - - --browser - - - - - -OS
02 Nov, Thu, 12:33:32 - - - - - - - - Netscape 2 - - - - -Other
Posted by Jon at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Vectorstar has the tightest shit!
Man I just want to thank the guys at vector star for the absolutly perfect service. There shit is godlike. If you are seeing this page then the dns shit has all switched over. Tight.
Well once again I have switched servers, but this one is for good. Check the message board for the scoop on why all the servr changes and stuff. I would like you to notice the no banner ad now too. Vectorstar is so coo-el.
Ok well as a present for everything rocking so much I will serve up a big post here in a bit I will start working on it now. So hang tight.
Posted by Jon at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Well after two days of struggling with the server and everything and about 5 hours spent tonight on layout and new design and fixing shit here everything seems to be working. This is pretty much just a temporary space where its at now until my account at vectorstar is completely up and running. But HOPEFULLY that will be a smooth move and you guys won't even notice. So I am going to stop talking about it so that I don't jinx it.
And since I haven't had many links with all the crap going on here are a few before I pass out.
The straight dope will answer ANY question. Even what would happen if you destroyed the moon. And Cecil rocks socks MUCH!
God. How could any one starwars fan collect this many passing references to it in our modern culture?
I've got a huge buildup of links that cory has sent me to post. God he finds some fucking awesome pages. Check out this shit about hedge mazes.
To my good friend scott I would just like to say welcome to the world of broad band. Now go download some cool full music videos. And you are about the only person I know that would laugh at this shit scott..
Joel for you!
Josh! Two nuggets for you. The first one is.. Quite a odd hobby...
Hahahahhah Gi Joe was dumb.. hhahahaha I bougth them all.. It made my life better.
And even if it wasn't 5 fucking AM I would find that this is from a town called butte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I know its not a whole lot. But I am off work tommorow and I don't have shit to do until about 12 hours from now. So I sleep now. Wake up later. Post some and go watch the coolest movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
well. Thats it for tonight. Lets hope everything keeps going smoothly.
Posted by Jon at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Well everything has been pretty shitty the last couple days. I am trying out this host that there was the trouble with yesterday. Their tech assured me it was just a shortlived problem and my testing seems to say its ok for now. Well if shit hits the fan (and even if it doesn't) just keep using the it will allways lead you to the right place.
Posted by Jon at 12:54 AM 0 comments
I'm trying to get some hosting on they are way sweeet. That is where diary of girls is hosted. God their shit is tight.
Posted by Jon at 12:37 PM 0 comments