

After a really nice night of being pampered by my girlfriend I think I have recovered completely. I am no longer whacked out. Ok well I am still whacked out, I am just no longer sick.
I think I have my home computer pretty much back up to snuff from my format last week. My work computer still is sucking dick though.

Oh yeah. First thing I want to go over are the changes around the site that I have been making over the last week. First of all I changed the skin selector into a automatic pulldown menu. Pretty cool? And then I added a drop down menu to use to select the different sections of the website. I may move the advanced search into there too. I dunno. And I also added a entire new section onto the site. Its called wEirdBAY. Its a place for you and me to post all the crazy ebay auctions that we find as we surf. So please please please don't just leave that section sitting there. Do something there and other people will too. Or at least thats my hope for it.

Today is going to be another splurt of links. So lets get onto it.
Now I have a use for all 50000 aol cds that I have in my living room.
yeah the the "biiiig bada boom" was a cheap 5th element reference. I am the supreme being

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