
holy fuck
I think I aaay be drnnk
Onejug of wine down
foour kaluahs and milk on icee

And two movies later.

Things are kind of blurring totgetehr.

everything has little traiils around it
just checked some of the pages I check ever day and nothing is new. MI can't get my head to stand up right.

Scott and I watched scrarey movie and some other movie. I don't know what the first moive..wait.. It was... something with a killer.. Oh fuck... the cell.
if I leave my head tipped to one side too long everything g3ets blurry so i I havet o switch back and forth

the cell was cool

scarey moive was way more funny while inebriated
thats a hard word to spell while you are expericeing it..

I can't find it in myself to belive that the antique road show is fucking people over.

Right now nhaving a giant sluig clean my house seems like a good idea.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck
say it ain't so

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