
Defragging - Therapy for Robots


I feel like poo today. Had to go to work early and give some training. I know computers have only been around what.. 25 years now (Happy belated PC by the way). Why the LIVING FUCK don't more people know how to use them yet? I mean.. people in jobs where they have to use the fucking things day in and day out cannot fucking use them. It makes my heart sad when I have to train 30 people who fucking make excel documents EVERY FUCKING DAY over and over and over again how to not make excel documents that are 50megs+ and email them back and forth.

OK. With that out of my system on with the links. Get and drink and get comfy. This is gonna be a long one.

Thank you for fucking dieing already. I definitely won't be missing hearing about you phantom.

Here's a funny little bit involving tetris. I think I may get one of the Japanese guys at work to translate this for me and it will probably be even more funny.

I always loved doing shit like this when I was younger and had time to go camping all the time Check out these two links to make your own altoid tin survival kit.

This is what happens when you get too much junk mail and have WAY too much time on your hands. Pretty cool though.

Clell Tickle: Dreammaker, Indie Marketing Guru, Psychopath?

Multiphonic chanting, Throat Singing, Whatever you call it, there are some awesome links about it in this metafilter thread. No mention of the Bjork Album that featured it heavily.

Check out this killer pool trick. A guy uses a nickel on the table to split two balls.

Hey xbox fanboys, Check out what can happen if your fancy pants 360 users more then one core at a time.. I still plan on getting one next week just for that game though..

Apparently CRACKED magazine has relaunched with a new format, with some heavy writers on board now too. I may have to hunt this down. 3.99 for 80 pages CHEAP!
Wait.. I just finished the reading the preview and this line fucking SOLD ME:
New Comics by: Get Your War On and My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable's David Rees
Yeah. I know GYWO is in every issue of Rolling stones, but its toned down and not as good. Ok, fine.. Where's my change jar!

Glad that David Copperfield finally went Nunshittingly insane.

Samuel L. Jackson on the daily show talking about Mother Snakes on a Motherfucking Plane!

OOOoooo Today's Worth1000 Photoshop contest was "remixing M.C. Echoer" definitely worth a click.

Stephen Colbert is here to help us all protect our online identity on the internets.

Reggie spills the beans about the free online portion of the Wii, and more details of their strategy. Like I needed more reasons to buy this thing. Wireless and online out of the box for no extra money, and my poor gamer ass may be able to afford it.

Two cool clips, One a tank full of Piranhas, the other is just kinda sick.

I hate the price is right. Hate it. This clip is awesome though. This is quite possibly the worst player ever! I swear Bob Barker is calling her a Stupid Douche at the end of the clip..

I was telling one of my friends about these blacklight tattoos awhile back. Pretty cool idea.

Mmmm. I loves me some Mandelbrot. Sweet little video. Fractals have always amazed me. I enjoyed this immensely. I used to have a sweet fractal screensaver back in the days of windows3.1, when afterdark was King!

I am just replaying Dungeon Siege 2 in preparation to get Broken world. This kinda disgusts me though.

This Optimus Prime felt puppet is fucking killer! I need to make one of these, and one of the Chewey ones too!!

Could this be one of the greatest films of our time?! Could the battle between this and SOAP (snakes on a plane) mean the end times are near?

Do you have lots of little barcode "club" cards on your keychain? Use this slick little site to combine them all into one!

I thought this was a pretty fun read. The missing body parts of 10 Famous People.

Here's a neat new coke commercial. Quite slick.

Thanks to the Japanese, I have yet another reason not to poop in public toilets.. Besides weird poo monsters.

I found this video of the Treadmill Bike somewhat discomforting to watch. It somehow moves in a "not right" manner.

I Was going to post this link and call it good enough on the subject of Remade NES consoles. But then I remembered I had a link buried deep in the "Bookmarks of Doom" that I have been cultivating since 1999. So I present you a even more kick ass NES replacement with wireless controllers! Plus they have robots on their site, so guess who wins?

Just in case you ever wanted to make a boat out of paper, MAKE has you covered.. I guess this combined with the paper tank I posted higher up you would be set for a small scale invasion.

Holy shit!!I want a slip and slide like these fuckers!

What do you do with a 500Lb rubber band ball? Smash the fuck out of your car!!

Just because its:

Check out some of the upcoming features for blogger. I've been gay for blogger for years, Some of these sound extra sweet!

Oh oh oh oh I saved this for the end of the post. TECH TV REBORN! official press release here. UndoTV I love you already!!!

And finally a little tiny BLECH OF THE DAY!!!!!!! check the gallery on that one.

Ok, well that's it for this one kids. Time for me to squeeze it off and call it a post. Now I am gonna go mess with some PHP goodness.

***UPdate. I was spell checking this post with Windows Live Writes built in spell checker and check out these suggestions it gave me:
fuckign - ducking
gonna - gonad
poo - pogo
shit - shift
Dreammaker - Dressmaker
Bjork - Jerk
fanboy - annoy
Nunshittingly - Nauseatingly
remixing - premixing
Wii - WWII
Mandelbrot - Cancelbot
Optimus - Optimism
blogger - logger or booger

What the fuck is a Cancelbot? Is it cooler then fractals?


Cory said...

God that was a long post! hehe

Cory said...

Oh and I've been playing Dead Rising multi-core a lot with no issues. WOOT! Squeaky Wheel Syndrome if you ask me on that stuff on Kotaku.