
link link linky link

Purely in the interests of science, I have replaced the word "wand" with "wang" in the first Harry Potter Book

Is this what video games are like if your on some massive drugs?

If you liked the Geek Squad manuals that were leaked last week, here are 6 more for you! Wheee.

This bed looks pretty interesting, Pretty wiked design.

Man. This game is really addictive. Its like a combination of Jenga, Bridge Builder, and Pickup Sticks...

Ever want to take your geek rage out by shooting the hell out of a LCD monitor? This is what it would look like!

Holy shit.. you have got to watch this video of some fucking INSANE origami! its crazy..

Get your fill of disgusting food at this site. Mmmm Ambergris....(I have allways had a weird obsession with ambergris, and especially with finding a large chunk of it and selling it for tons of money. I mean god damn, shits like 10 bucks a gram. Thats crack prices!)

The "This Old House" website has some funny articles up about retarded home design. Good stuff.

Every day this guy draws a new monster and posts it on his website. I love his art style, and the videos of him creating the monsters are really quite impressive.

Imagine if the characters off of your cereal boxes had some crazy adventures, thats what this comic is all about..

A ninja pays half my rent.

What happens if a watermain breaks on your street in the winter? This!

Create or Destroy, its your choice in BlockLand the only online LEGO inspired game.

Check out this use for your old Cd spindles.

Need a reason why you SHOULD pirate your movies?

Louis CK and the tale of the saddest handjob ever!

Man.. Sometimes science is just fucking weird.. WTF???


What What? In the butt!

Check out this video of three guys playing one guitar.

This kid got sent home from school because he dressed up like a pirate, and he's a pastafarian.

All right. I feel a little better, emptying out some of my saved up links. Go forth and click away!

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