One of the first commandments of office work is "Thou shalt not invoke the nerd rage"
Oooooo two great tastes combined. The mythbusters ask the Ask a Ninja Ninja. Part of a web special for an upcoming Ninja Mythbusters special.Over time the Ninja has slowly grown on me.
What would you do with 86 old PCs? Two bonus oblivion Domino videos for you..
ROFLMAO (a wow update of mah-na-na na)
Man, this is a harsh prank. One comedian gets sets up his buddy for the next set by getting the entire audience to not laugh at all. Its allmost painful to watch.
So someone made a allmost impossible mod for the SMB for the NES. I mean, its fucking CRAZY HARD. So then some crazy guy posts a video of him playing it, and its possibly one of the funnier things I have seen in quite awhile.
This page cannot be fucking displayed!
Its Toroboto! The Robot that tortures people!
You broke up with me? I'm gonna fuck your mom!
Bed time for me kids. Enjoy the links.
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