
Good morning sunshine. The earth says hello.

Blech I woke up late this morning. I think my setting a bed time of 3am was a bit lofty of me. It still seems a little too late. Oh well.

Lets see.. I have a lotta links here for you kiddies. Lets start off with the crap ones first. This site makes me want to RIP MY LEGS OFF WITH A PROTRACTOR!!!!! my eyes are on fire. Here is your blech of the day!! Now I just can't understand the eroticness of this. It doesn't even seem related to sex to me. Wow people are weird. And I love how they are referred to as "Amateur Pie Tapes" as compared to the one that Mira Sorvino and Don Johnson appeared in last year. I'm glad there are so many examples of webpages that truely show that some people should not be allowed to learn HTML. And some people are just too weird.

Hey guys. YOUR NOT REALLY VAMPIRES!!! HOLY CHRIST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?!!? I mean come on. I can understand thinking that vampires are cool, I dig them myself. But for ass-sakes come on. You guys are more retarded then goths. I'd just like to remind all you goths out there YOUR NOT BEING FUCKING DIFFERENT!! If you really want to be different go GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT WITH A HELLO KITTY TOOTHBRUSH. Now thats original. "ohhhhhhhh I'm a goth I'm gonna wear black and act sad and scarey all the time ooooooooooooo" Fuck off. Retard. (Browsing tip: go to the slumber party pics *you must be 18 to enter* OH god a nipple. Mothers hide your kids)

Now making fun of goths is clean wholesome family fun. Now those last two links were serious webpages, but I included them in the making fun of goths part because THEY ARE STUPID and you can go make fun of them and laugh and send funny mean emails to the webmaster and then send them to me so I can post them.... Not that I would suggest that or anything.

I came to the conclusion today that afro wigs are funny. I am going to go buy one. I'm also going to start leaving my caps lock on and using the shift key all the time to make all my lower case letters. I'm in fucking love with the menu on the top of this page. The page itself is pretty cool too.

True or false? You decide! I hear she wears one of these! Yeah right. Shes a dirty slut! I bet she DOES really wear these though.

Someone with some technical skills needs to make me one of these.

Now I would put a 50 spot down on a bet that there are ALOT of wisconsin people winning these awards! In international news the biggest russin newspaper now is being published online in english. Check out Pravda online International ads are pretty messed up. I still think engrish rocks!
Neurocomputers are such a cool idea. I hope quantum computing comes around while I am still around.
Since I am posting some actual news I'll go ahead and post this review of Blair witch 2 that is on "ain't it cool news" which is a pretty cool site, shitty layout though. This site had to move off shore because its VERY illegal. Go to the message board and say whether or not you would sell your vote of the price was high enough and just talk about the general crazyness of this page. And check this site out. Its a honest to god blackmarket online. How fucking crazy. And you can go to their sister site and rent a bodyguard or a fucking soldier. I was reminded about those last three links by this site. Its UK and stuff but its still gravey. Ooooooooooooooo pretty. I allready knew that magic: the gathering was evil. Thats why its so fun. I want something off this site. Anything!

Here is a pretty good daily updated geek site for all of you jonesing for more daily reads. This guy is making TheSims pictures of the news of our lives. Definatly very fucked up. Since scott was the only one in my office to think that the other game was a good idea maybe we can all get behind this one. Oh god I cannot believe I just said that. I'm messed up. Check out this site too. I had read this site a loooooooooooong time ago. Like when olestra first came out. Its still very very very sick. ZUG is a all around cool site. Pretty funny content. I really don't know if I could even play this game. I mean thinking of a small squirrel pissing on its enemys scares me. Not as much as disco ernie though. And to wrap it all up, if you've never seen this site before then your in for a treat.

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