
Poop on a stick

I want a good random sentance generator. Do any of you know of one that just spits out random non-super repetative funny sentances? I did however do a little searchy serach of my own and dug up a couple cool random sites. Check out the radom weird rumor generator. If you ever have any conversational problems then then random topic generator is for you.Is your business floundering for a strong mission statement? Or maybe your business is doing well and you are just looking to relieve some stress at the old work place. If you know a goth then this site may be a helping hand to you in your next conversation with said goth. And how much would you wager that most goth music makers get their lyrics from here? Here is a site that will make you a entire randomly generated story. I know there is a actually book that was supposedly randomly generated by a computer but I can't remember its name. If I had a band I would call it the intelligence buckets, or "Mike tyson and the nazi dumplings". I would also have this site write me random lyrics about poop and carrot juice. I think whenever someone has a birthday I am going to make their cards from this site. I wish when I went to college my compsci class had been as cool as this one is. I would have loved to write a program like this. This site is cool because it generates a ton of random words, but not in sentence format. Now if you want to talk supercool check out one of random webpage pages. Yahoo has its own random page site too. Try it! Zdnet has one too, but its for strange links. Its cool. This site has random stuff broken up into catagories. It has a Role playing catagory so its cool.

If only you all knew the truth about halloween you would realise that you are going to HELL!!!!!
This site is...lame. And it just crashed my browser. How nice.

There are a number of online popularity contests. But none are quite the same as this one. Though how could anyone ever be as fresh as these guys?

I just saw this page linked off of scotts site. It is so great. If i was getting many hits that link would send lots of hits over to his site. But I guess uhh scott, theres a link to your site so you can click it and go to your site then click the link to my site from your site and come back here and repeat the process.

Frantic Fran is the shit!

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