
Holy ass I'm tired.

I went to bed at about 2am and work up about half a hour ago at 930 and I am tired as ass. Man I keep dozing off here in my chair sorting thru urls and I have to leave for work in about a half hour. Man I feel ready. Perhaps I will go pick up a cappuchino before work.

I honestly think that the DeLorean was one of the greatest cars ever. I loved the flip open doors. But the man that was behind them is just weird. I certainly don't want one that badly.

I know I am pretty much the only person in the world, but I really like the movie the avengers. And it had a Zorb in it so that scores extra points. And if you have ever seen it you CANNOT deny the coolness of the origianal tv show.

Shiney UserInterfaces make me happy. This site has a pretty fun one. Somewhere I have a bookmark for a commandline driven site that is uber-cool too. Well I can't find it right now. If anyone knows of one of the sites please let me know.

Go check out this site. Its pretty cooo-el. Weird though. But cool.

I have pretty high hopes for this show. I like Paul Reubens and I think he has the potential to be good again. I don't think he should go beat it in a theater again though. Get a VCR buddy....

Well its work time. More posts to come.

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