
Well fuck me

I'm sorry.
I got the post all typed up. I was finishing a sentance and then I accidently pasted something somewhere where I didn't want it. I pressed ctrl-z to undo it (it works in IE which is cool) but my z stuck and undid too much. Like a smart guy I reached for the ctrl-r to redo. About the time the page flashed I rememberd that ctrl-r is refresh in IE. DAMMIT ALL
i lost my entire post.
The important part in the beginning that I will rewrite real quick was just saying:

As of this evening I am at about 950 unique hits over less then one month. With statistics pointing the way they do that means tommorow (tuesday is the day I get the most hits every week) this page will top 1000 individual hits not counting reloads. That makes me very proud that you all find time in your day to come here. I want to thank you all for coming here and making this such a personal success for me. As long as someone is still coming here every day and enjoying the site I will keep doing it. To celebrate my 1000th hit I will put the entire HUGE post up in for you all. Thank you for making this worthwhile and enjoyable for me. Please keep coming here and laughing and spreading the good word. I am sorry about the lack of links today. I had a really good one cooked up until about 5 minutes ago. I feel bad now. I will make up for it tommorow.

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