
Rock over london, rock on chicago

Today is a REALLY slow news day. To give you a idea how slow I spent a half hour completely reading some furries site. Blech!

Scott these two links are for you, the first one is a fun thing. And its only supposed to be 99 bucks!!!!!!!! The second one is a site that I use ALOT while working on webpages.

YAY!!! Dell sucks!

Oh boy yet another step towards my giant robot that smashes things as I tell it to. RobotFrank has been my idol thru the entire time I have been planning for my robot. Read a very touching interview with him. He also has a really great Who's the Boss fan site!!!

Go here to learn about EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD!!!!!

I told you that today was a slow news day. Thats about all I have. Peace!

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