
You lead insane, I you cannot sleep hardly. Enthralling therefore, I am too much deep inner part.

Putting lyrics to songs thru babelfish is soooooooo fun. Just translate them to a different language, translate them back to english, repeat several times and you will get enjoyable lyrics. The Hitchhikers guide series are the best books ever. Sooooooo funny.

Oh man I had completely forgotten about the exploding whale site.. God this is so old school great. I re-discovered this while browsing around The twilight headquarters. Such a good site. lots and lots of content and links.. go there.. Its been a pretty steady read of mine since I found it. In fact I do believe that I will link it on the left hand bar so I can remind myself to keep going there..

I'm having a really hard time believing that this is the first time I have ever visited this site. I mean.. come on. Geek porn HAS to be cool. Right?

Even though he hates you, you should go to cliffys "I hate you" page. He has updated. Man he is mean.

I have superballs. I also want a horseballs t-shirt. Someone buy me one.. please! And ALL of these shirts

the new drunken master movie comes out friday, Shangia Noon comes out on video today. I love Jackie Chan.

Sweet someone go try this and let me know if it works! "Telnet to: blekko.net and type in "starwars" at the prompt. Sit back and watch. Bit of time went into that one!"

Hey cory. Go here! and here

Have I mentioned that I dislike goths? I just wanna slap them. HEY GOTHS!! NEWS UPDATE!!! YOUR NOT BEING DIFFERENT!!! Go play zoomys fun page! Hey goths. I have a idea! Become a freegan and choke on a rancid donut!

I think I've linked it before. But Ifilms (and the ilk) are cool. Movies online rock. Plus they have this article. Thats why the get the link.


Go buy a bride! Or read about our greatest scientific blunders!

I think the reebok snake bite commercial was one of the funniest things i have EVER seen on TV...

Slashdot shut this site down.. But it will be up again soon. Just keep trying the link it will be worth it. I promise.

I hate people that can eat this kind of stuff. I hate this site. mmmmmmmmmmmm twinkies..

I'm going to do this to someones cubicle! Its gonna be great.

Its amazing how far spudgun tech is coming now adays. I remember my first potatoe gun. *hint* Never fire a spud gun directly at a cows asshole. EVER.

This movie is gonna be goooooood. I like pixar.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pretty pretty pretty pretty! Shiney too. I like shineys!

Lets all go celebrate cobra commanders fashion sense now. Oh shit I have to be at work in 10 minutes and I am still in my jammies
poop poop poop poop
I'll add that link to the side bar later. I suck enjoy the links YO!

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