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I remember last year when this happened. It was really a shame.

Have you ever found yourself waking up one day brainwashed by the government and asking everyone you see lots of questions about assassination? Maybe its just me. I guess some things just can't be explained. And some people you just don't want to try to explain some people. I really want to win this contest. I have wanted a herse for the last few years. I want to get one and paint it candy apple red and put a casket in the back and use it for a speaker box (two 15 inchers, maybe three).
Maybe if I don't win I can just buy one of these. If all else fails I can become a superspy. Or maybe a world class Roshambo master! Hmmm perhaps a superhero? I don't know a good job is hard to pick out. I could even be a cow designer, or a pirate

On a unrelated note these guys have alot of super hip clothes, so do them guys here
Am I the only one that has every gotten superglue in my mouth?

As a guy I have questions about women, someone is there to help. Being a good kisser helps. But some questions should never be answered. EVER.

So ending with those links I think its time for me to call it a wrap and head to pay bills and go to work, I'll post alot more later. (Tip to complete sickos - on that last site if you hunt back a little in the url and look in the directory this is some REALLY sick shit that there is no way I would post you. You should NOT GO THERE! I'm warning you)

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