
What is a Furry, Plushie, Fursuit, etc?

This should help all of you who were confused about what plushie sex was. And this will just gross out the rest of you. But wait. I wouldn't let you off that easy. We still have alot more great retarded fetishes to go! But first to take a little quiz to see if you can tell if its a porn star or a my little pony! So do you have a data fetish? They are really great. But then again maybe you are more into Star Wars action figure porn! Do you have a deskjob? I bet you never thought of your paperclips in this way! Or your furniture! You could allways have a Jim fetish and not even know it. Jim is sexy in every way. Hey cows are sexy! And NOTHING beats women with antlers. Hold on martha I just found my new groove. Now buckle down kids for some HOT HOT HOT telephone sex! Completely free. The way I like it. I am also very much into teen stickfigure sex. Its hot! Ok now this is just wrong. Now if you know me I bet you wonder why I smile so much. This is the answer my friends. I hate searching for stuff and not getting porn. This is here to help you. Oh this is fucking hot! Blech! Blech Blech! MMMMmmmmmmmmm. There is no such thing as useless sex. Just useless sex facts! Oh yeah Asia Carrera is the smartest porn star in the fucking world. I even read somewhere that she plays UT and Quake and shiz. Shes a self proclaimed geek. ROCK!

Now for a couple none-porn links. This scares me. Nuff' said. This makes me laugh. What the hell were these people hoping to find? I think the world is slowing coming to a end. This is a good sign of the end times. I KNOW scoot is going to go buy this DVD. This headline is FUCKING SHOCKING! Who the hell writes the news now a days?

I removed one link on the left because I am only linking to sites I really really like and read over there. They are the top of the top. I replaced that link with one for nakednews. I also put a link up for twilight headquartes. And in the biggest news of all. THE ARCHIVES ARE FIXED! After a entire weekend of messing with them I figured out how to implement the solution about 7 minutes before I had to be at work yesterday. I'm off today so expect ALOT of updates through out the day. That is if i can pry myself away from Ages of empire 2
God Cory and I played until mooking 6am this morning. I am Napoleon. Fucking building a wonder my ass. Three times. JERK!

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