
I love AOE too

Ok thats the only mention of the god-like game that I'll make this post. I swear.

Lets start off with my big shocker. I think this would be a good thing.. I know I know.. What Jon likes microsoft?? shutup

Beetlejuice is cool, but not as cool as a giant hanging elephant. When Jamie and I have kids I plan on taking them to ALOT of museums!

Here is your daily BLECHHHHH!

Allthough noone really agrees with me. I think that redmeat is one of the funniest cartoons EVER. This guy MAY be bob smith, but he doesn't appear to be normal at all. He gets posted because he is hosting my religious link of the day
This minigolf game ROCKS THE HIZZOUSE! So does sci-fi comedy improv. I think

I just liked this domain name, the page is good too.

I've allways wondered this. Now if they would do a study as to why when Jamie tickles me I'm ticklish EVERWHERE.

I allways thought that Jack Handy was one of the best parts of the older SNLs. This isn't a site about him. Well kinda. Derf! There are alot of laws that are dumb, but no laws about being dumb.


Hey buddy you got something to complain about? I'm going to complain about how I wanted this domain! Fun!

God I used to have such a chub for this place for sooooo many years because it was a total mystery to me. I saw commercials for it all the time but never had the nerve to write in. I got the funk my my pants now though.

Oh jeeze. Erotic stained glass. Be careful while spanking. Especially if you are a idiot.

Ok thats my bit for right now. More later maybe. Hey everyone I'm still looking for other people to post here to. Email me

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