
Nothing adds more flavor to more foods then the classic taste of FRECH'S Classic Yellow Mustard.

I couldn't think of a decent title for this post so I just copied some stuff off the back of this bottle of mustard that is sitting on my desk..

Check out this list of everything bart simpson has ever written on the blackboard..

Since I just started getting to watch TV again I recently have been seeing these new apple commercials, so I don't know how long they have been showing or if I should be suprised that the hotty stoner has her own fan site...
Also cause I like to rip on macs, here is a funny parody ad..

Scott.. You are going to fucking love this..

I think everyone needs cool 80s t-shirts like this kick ass Mr T one...

Learn to throw cards like a mofo and kills people with the ace of spades...

Well.. I gotta go make a run.. Hopefully I will be able to do a long post tommorow cause I have the day off on account of my getting double root canals...

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