
Poop Soup

I just got done watching twister in full surround sound and it was fucking awesome.. I had the bass cranked and the whole house was shaking..

Here.. Go play one of the best games ever now java-ized... I mean.. Not best game ever like final fantasy x.. but.. classic gaming best game kinda thing...

I wish the college I went to had offered a course on game theory.. Mayhaps it would have made it alot more interesting..

This is a pretty sweet site which has a graphic version of alice and wonderland, told thru various art made about it...

This link is for scott.. Throttle down turbo...

Check out seanbabys take on stupid old comic book ads...

If nothing else canadians know how to put good warnings on their smokes..

I'm back on my sleeping machine to help me with my apnea... Girl and I are moving within in the next week or so.. So I will post as much as I can until then then I will disappear for a little while until I get the cable modem put back in...
Ok.. I gotta go play Final Fantasy X now.. More later..

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