
Well HELLO All !

This is soooo odd that I am making a post. I have normally been just a behind the scenes guy here at JonsNews. You know doing all the shit work like helping Jon with HTML, and hex-codes and keeping the FBI, CIA, DEA and various other govermental agencies off of Jons back so he can keep rattling out these crazy posts.

The reason I am posting is simply this, I work with both Jon and Scott and would just like to let everyone know that while Jon was away on his day off, someone (who shall remain nameless) printed out a full size, full color picture that Scott made of Jon and hung it up in the office. Everyone had a good laugh. So once again, for the sake of humanity, everyone run on over to Scott's site and check out this picture.

Well kiddies, I am off to Florida to settle this whole Election thing.

Signing off for now, but not forever -


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