
Row row row your post.

Checkity check it. This site is tight. I found the nike ad that they banned on NBC along with a cool Mr. T one.

Cory pointed me to a couple links. The first is good. The second points to the coming of the four horsemen. I laughed so hard a few years ago when I saw this in a catalog and the fact that they put it on the net is scarey.

Since I seem to be obsessed with furries and plushies here is another site. God I love furry fan sites because I get to laugh for hours at the fact that they WANT TO HUMP STUFFED BEARS!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA furry places of a different sort HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Oh god it hurts. Blech. I didn't know that two fat people bumping uglies could be so dangerous.

Now I'm going to be posting about some REALLY poorly designed and humorous sites.. Fuckedupedness ensues.
I am going out with the best girlfriend in the entire world, but honestly what do you think this kids chances are? How about his? Kevins chances are... well lets face it.. shit too. Goths shouldn't be allowed to breed. I'm not going to rant. These people all should be allowed to breed before a goth. Jesco needs to have about 4000 kids (Its not going to happen is what I'm saying) before a goth should have kids. He's a tap dancing, coon hunting, bad hygene loving fool. None of my professors were like this. Thank god. Blech! I linked here before, gonna do it again.

Good, Bad, Good, Bad, Bad, Good, Good, Good, Bad, Bad, Bad, Good, Bad, Good! Very Good! GOOD.

Ok thats it for now.

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